Visit with Joyce and Tim
We had a great weekend visiting with our good friends, Joyce and Tim Kreth. Friday evening we toasted Crossroads with cosmos. Saturday we ate our way through the open-air market. Yum! Yum! Matzo pie's, they tasted like a cheese potato pancake. We tested the grilled sausages and homemade biscotti. The mayor of St. Pete’s was in the band singing. Pretty Cool.
Later that day we went sailing. The wind and weather were perfect. We ate Cuban sandwiches on the boat while sailing. This was Tim's first time to sail; he was a natural at the helm.
That evening we had cocktails on Crossroads while listening to the St. Pete's symphony. We finished a beautiful day with a great dinner from the famous Columbia restaurant on the pier. Sunday we said our goodbyes.
Monday morning I went for a run and Glenn started his project list. He is replacing one of the water tanks. He has the boat torn apart. Oh well, I guess I will have to get in the hammock. Life is good!