Thursday, January 26, 2006

Clearing Customs

Cat Cay was beautiful, but because it is a private island you are really limited to the marina. It was just what we needed to rest and regroup. The first order of business the next day was to clear into the country. Each time we sail to another country we must officially check in with customs and immigration. This usually involves waiting until someone is actually at the customs office and then dealing with a surly government official who acts like he does something more important than clearing in yachts – he doesn’t. Step one is to raise the yellow “Q” (quarantine) flag. This lets anyone who cares to know that you have not yet officially entered the country. At this point only the captain may go ashore – or Michele if she really wants a hot shower. The harbormaster provided the 10 forms to be filled out and an hour or two was spent doing that. It is still very important to ask ships from ports in other countries if there is any evidence of plague amongst the rats on board. Once the fees are paid and everything is stamped several times the vessel is free to move about the country. Now the “Q” flag can be lowered and replaced with a courtesy flag of the country being visited. This is flown along with (but higher than) the ole stars and stripes.