The Way It's Supposed to Be....
We have been anchored in the Tobago Cays for a week now and it is just about perfect. The Tobago Cays are a half circle of small, uninhabited islands and a half circle of beautiful reef. In the middle of the two half circles is about the nicest anchorage we have been in yet. The reef protects us from the waves coming in from the Atlantic but leaves us fully exposed to a wonderful breeze- the east trade winds. We are in ten feet of crystal clear water with a bright white sand bottom. It looks like a swimming pool. We can see the bottom clearly even by moonlight. The color of the water ranges from light swimming pool blue through blue-eyes blue right on to deep-water cobalt. Hours have been spent just starring out at the water. The five closest islands have also drawn our attention. Each has a small beach for sitting and reading all day in the shade of the coconut trees. It really does feel like paradise here. And to think, we almost left a couple days after we got here due to some grim weather predictions that finally turned into a cloudy day, clean decks and 45 or so gallons of fresh water in our tank. That day was also the first time we had to run the engine to charge the batteries. The solar panels had taken care of that on all the sunny days. This is what we left our jobs, families and friends and sold our house to do. Ahhh, nice!