guest pre-blog from Don Wood
Our friends Kim & Don from the boat Moonrise (now dirt dwellers) will be joining us here in the BVI later this week. Don sent a note as they look foward to reuniting with us and the sea.
The Crew of CrossRoads and their friends,
Glenn understood as a young man he was going to sea in one form or another. Indeed, it was sewn into his easy nature, already woven into the fine stitch that cast a shadow he would not see for decades. We make turns that redirect our lives and position our destiny, is it ordained? Does it arrive with us as a birthright delivered onto the world another burdened soul with a puzzle to complete before the sand escapes the glass? I often wonder. These great pages you have written in your lives could not be mere circumstance and quest for vanity. No, its your fabric, the "cut of your jib" as they say, that makes you press on and enjoy people, life and the sea. If I seem remorse, it is because Kim and I were only able to enjoy all of you so very briefly. I like knowing that adventurers and non-conformist exist. Everyone is born with a voice that whispers to them, very few listen. We are past excitement when we think of our up coming visit.
My last sail of the season was on Lake Erie to deliver a boat to Sandusky Bay in sustained winds of 40 knots from the north. As you might imagine it appealed to my nature and tempted me like a harlot. Tonight has been spent in front of the fire with egg nogg spiced with rum and tomorrow an evening planned at the theater for a one man performance of "Its a wonderful life" Here, just minutes from downtown Portland, it is. After an afternoon of visiting art galleries and waiting for the train I stood looking at the full-faced moon. "Right now ChickenFoot is sitting under that same big moon," I said. "I know." she said comforting, "I know." "I have become to myself a piece of difficult ground, not to be worked over without much labor." - SAINT AUGSTINE. To me, the quote is linear and ageless.
My very Best to all of you and wish to see you soon!
Former captain of the sailing vessel "MoonRise",
WhiteTailed Jack
The Crew of CrossRoads and their friends,
Glenn understood as a young man he was going to sea in one form or another. Indeed, it was sewn into his easy nature, already woven into the fine stitch that cast a shadow he would not see for decades. We make turns that redirect our lives and position our destiny, is it ordained? Does it arrive with us as a birthright delivered onto the world another burdened soul with a puzzle to complete before the sand escapes the glass? I often wonder. These great pages you have written in your lives could not be mere circumstance and quest for vanity. No, its your fabric, the "cut of your jib" as they say, that makes you press on and enjoy people, life and the sea. If I seem remorse, it is because Kim and I were only able to enjoy all of you so very briefly. I like knowing that adventurers and non-conformist exist. Everyone is born with a voice that whispers to them, very few listen. We are past excitement when we think of our up coming visit.

My last sail of the season was on Lake Erie to deliver a boat to Sandusky Bay in sustained winds of 40 knots from the north. As you might imagine it appealed to my nature and tempted me like a harlot. Tonight has been spent in front of the fire with egg nogg spiced with rum and tomorrow an evening planned at the theater for a one man performance of "Its a wonderful life" Here, just minutes from downtown Portland, it is. After an afternoon of visiting art galleries and waiting for the train I stood looking at the full-faced moon. "Right now ChickenFoot is sitting under that same big moon," I said. "I know." she said comforting, "I know." "I have become to myself a piece of difficult ground, not to be worked over without much labor." - SAINT AUGSTINE. To me, the quote is linear and ageless.
My very Best to all of you and wish to see you soon!
Former captain of the sailing vessel "MoonRise",
WhiteTailed Jack