Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Culebra to Boqueron –

[N18d01:240, W067d10:599] Boqueron, Puerto Rico

We had an eventful 24-hour passage from Culebra. We started off making great time, six to seven knots, and we really thought we might have to slow down so that we would not arrive in Boqueron in the dark. Ha! Famous last words! We sailed fast from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. We were even making really good time during the windward leg. Then, we turned to parallel the south coast of Puerto Rico and the wind died. The wind had been blowing from the South, so the island was not blocking the wind - it just went away. Theoretically, we should have had nice trade winds but nooooooooo it dropped to 5 to 10 knots with rolly seas. The sails were flapping which annoys me as much as a rollly anchorage. When our speed dropped to 2. 8 knots Glenn said, let’s fire up Carl (our engine) and motor sail for a while. We dropped the forward sail and plugged along at 5 knots with rolly beam seas. Needless to say we did not get a lot of sleep while motoring all night on this passage.

We did however catch 3 fish. Of course, the first two were Barracuda, which were carefully removed (watch those teeth) and tossed back but the third was a Wahoo. Once we were anchored, Glenn made a delicious dinner baking the yummy fish with fresh vegetables. It was a great way to end a tiring passage.